

Analogue Soul By Ramin Sayyah S4E2

Dátum 2018. november 9.
Stílus House, Techno
Analogue Soul By Ramin Sayyah S4E2First of all, let me thank you for the craziness that you brought to the previous episode!!!

Analogue Soul By Ramin Sayyah S4E2

First of all, let me thank you for the craziness that you brought to the previous episode!!!

Up for some modulated disco theme in live modular???
I'm coming with an extended live set and more machines!!!

Po:ti is in charge to hit up the night with his vinyl only set.

Every instrument got soul and communicates to us!
Analogue Soul gets deeper about the real components and circuits of modular synth which injects insanity into the sound, groove and our spaceship.

< 24h: 2000 HUF
> 24h: 2500 HUF




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