

Secret pres. Dominik Massaro [DE]

Dátum 2020. január 4.
Stílus House
Secret pres. Dominik Massaro [DE]Our first exclusive party in 2020 with the genius tech-house producer and amazing dj, DOMINIK MASSARO from Frankfurt. Warm up by our loved friend ROBERT GÖBELT... Don't miss out!

Secret pres. Dominik Massaro [DE]

Our first exclusive party in 2020 with the genius tech-house producer and amazing dj, DOMINIK MASSARO from Frankfurt.
Warm up by our loved friend ROBERT GÖBELT...
Don't miss out!

Tickets available at the door! Come early!

Minimum age: Ladies 21+ / Gents 24+
We reserve the right of admission!

Jegyárak/ tickets:
with Secret Card: Free
with click to going: 2000 HUF
without: 3000 HUF



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