

Persephone ▩ ▩ Tama Sumo

Továbbá még: Alexandr
Dátum 2019. április 6.
Stílus House
Persephone ▩ ▩ Tama SumoPersephone is a bimonthly party by OMOH co-founder Alexandr and seasoned DJ Klayman, showcasing a diverse musical style ranging from underground house, classic disco to groovy techno, focusing on female, queer, trans folks, people of color, underrepresented communities and their allies.

Persephone ▩ ▩ Tama Sumo

Persephone is a bimonthly party by OMOH co-founder Alexandr and seasoned DJ Klayman, showcasing a diverse musical style ranging from underground house, classic disco to groovy techno, focusing on female, queer, trans folks, people of color, underrepresented communities and their allies.



  • LÄRM

    Akácfa utca 51. 1. em. Budapest, Hungary 1073

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