

Before Dark

Dátum 2017. augusztus 31.
Stílus House, Minimal, Tech-house
Before DarkThe journey of "Before Dark" continues! We're going to celebrate the summer, music and love on 31st of August with the chance to watch the sunset together on the Danube, from Esetleg Bisztró.

Before Dark

The journey of "Before Dark" continues! We're going to celebrate the summer, music and love on 31st of August with the chance to watch the sunset together on the Danube, from Esetleg Bisztró.

"Don't leave your sunglasses at home!" :)

Before Dark is a part of the After Dark brand. The main goal is to bring people together with music to an unusual location, and offer a memorable experience before the dark arrives. The sets are going to be streamed and recorded live by StreamOn.

Our events supported by Russian Standard.
On the decks:

Dj Sobek



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