

2019. szeptember 7., szombat

2019. szeptember 7., szombat

Jelenleg a partyajánlók archívumát böngészed. Kattints ide a friss partyajánlók megtekintéséhez!

  • [2019-09-07] CityMatiné s08e03 AFTER
    @ LOCK Budapest

    Habár a nyárzárót szeptember 14-re toljuk, a Lock-ban ettől függetlenül összegyűlünk, hogy meghallgassuk Morgan-t is ha már ide repül. Meg egyébként is telerakjuk F1 hangfalakkal és mulatunk egyet.
  • [2019-09-07] Deadcode & Friends 2019

    #akvablackhall / KisHall
  • [2019-09-07] Metronóm ▩ Shedbug

    Shedbug is an Australian genre-blender knows how to play with different atmospheres and vibes that exist in dance-music culture and usually proves that via releases on such labels as Of Paradise, Lobster Theremin, Flux Records and Salt Mines - which is run by Rudolf C.

    Imre Kiss is a local artist, finding his unique way on many fields of visual and sonic self-expression. His sets are characterised by constant emotional tension and synth-lines triggering all senses. This mentality waves back from his sounds and led him to labels like Mörk, Lobster Theremin, Farbwechsel and his imprint Crisis.
  • [2019-09-07] Secret pres. Used Disco /all night long/

    Budapest based Used Disco was created by two great friends Tamas and Mate in 2014. They decided to work together after several years djing and producing together. They have more than 10 years experience in clubs and studio, So it is a nice benefit for them now. They are comfortable spanning several musicical genres and styles. With releases coming out on the best international labels like Nervous Records, Nurvous Records, King Street Sounds, Prison Entertainment, LoveStyle Records, Vamos Music and their own label called Play and Tonic.
  • [2019-09-07] House2House

    House2House - Naga, Beta - Toldi, szept 7.
  • [2019-09-07] Nigel & Friends // Hello Autumn

    2-3 szempillantás volt a nyár....és máris itt a szeptember! De ne csüggedjetek, nem hagyunk Titeket ősszel sem unatkozni!

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